June 15, 2008

Validation For Email

Next we want to see if the email address the user entered is real. This means that the input data must contain at least an @ sign and a dot (.). Also, the @ must not be the first character of the email address, and the last dot must at least be one character after the @ sign.
At first we check if the user entered anything at all in the email field. Next, we use regular expression and the test() method to check the field for a compliance. Also we will use trim() function that will trim leading whitespace off the string. This won’t be perfect validation — it is possible to slip not compliant addresses by it — but it's normally good enough.

function trim(s)
return s.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, '');

function validateEmail(fld) {
var error="";
var tfld = trim(fld.value); // value of field with whitespace trimmed off
var emailFilter = /^[^@]+@[^@.]+\.[^@]*\w\w$/ ;
var illegalChars= /[\(\)\<\>\,\;\:\\\"\[\]]/ ;

if (fld.value == "") {
fld.style.background = 'Yellow';
error = "You didn't enter an email address.\n";
} else if (!emailFilter.test(tfld)) { //test email for illegal characters
fld.style.background = 'Yellow';
error = "Please enter a valid email address.\n";
} else if (fld.value.match(illegalChars)) {
fld.style.background = 'Yellow';
error = "The email address contains illegal characters.\n";
} else {
fld.style.background = 'White';
return error;

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